Sunday, 13 January 2013

Electricity Bills - Central Building Only

Dear Central building owners,
None of you will be pleased to acknowledge the difference the increased tarif on your electricity consumption has made to your November utility bill.
I was appalled and nearly fell off my chair.  As I had given Ricardo our actual meter reading it reflected the consumption with the new water heater.
Please be aware that you can minimise your consumption by:
·       Setting the temperature dial of the water heater to just over half way. 
·       Take advantage of the cheap times of day to run your washing machine and dishwasher (see the form below)
·       Don’t run your dishwasher or washing machine unless it is full and choose the lowest possible temperature.

As the December utility invoice is based on the actual meter reading it includes the cost of any consumption which is over and above that which was estimated and invoiced throughout the entire year.  Therefore the December invoice will be charged at the old tariff and not the new one which was approved at the EGM of 14th November 2012.

These are going to be the most expensive months as until we have the AGM we cannot reduce the community fees to reflect savings as a result of disconnecting the gas and closing the refrigeration tower and machine room.   We are looking at whether we can reduce the amount of the increase in tariff.

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