Tuesday 14 January 2014

AGM notification

Ricardo, Pedro Hoz, Alberto, José Luis and I had great fun in court yesterday.

We had been denounced by Chechu and Luís Jnr for having disconnected the gym, restaurant and kitchen from our generator back in May 2013 when the central building was left without power because of non payment of the electricity bill.
Chechu also accused me of hitting him with a garden spade.  What do you think?

We await the sentence, but as we spent three hours hanging around before the case was heard, we put the time to good use and set a date for Fase 1 AGM.

The meeting will be at 10.00h, Saturday 15th February 2014.  It will be held as once before on the 2nd floor landing outside the panoramic lift in the centre section of the main building at Sol Andalusí.  

We all know how long and tedious these meetings can be, exacerbated by the fact that everything has to be translated, so I will do my best to provide you with as much information as possible beforehand. 

I will not stand again for President as three and a half years is quite long enough.  Neither will Ian Matthews stand as Vice-President, so do please think about who you would like to nominate or elect and ensure you gather proxy votes in good time.  You do not need the official proxy form, just a signed document with the details of the meeting and the relevant names.  I will let you know if anyone comes forward.

Kind regards

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