El pasado año abrimos la piscina el 17 de Mayo. Desafortunadamente el alto coste de los socorristas ha hecho que el comité decidamos posponer la apertura de la piscina dos semanas, hacerlo a principios de Junio. Ricardo está buscando ofertas para ver si podemos conseguir los servicios de otra empresa a precios más competitivos.
Last year we opened the pool on 17 May but unfortunately the cost of lifeguards means that the board have agreed that the best course of action is to delay for two weeks until the beginning of June 2012. Ricardo is looking to see if he can find another company who will provide a more competitive price than that which we have been paying.
Last year we opened the pool on 17 May but unfortunately the cost of lifeguards means that the board have agreed that the best course of action is to delay for two weeks until the beginning of June 2012. Ricardo is looking to see if he can find another company who will provide a more competitive price than that which we have been paying.
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